This Moment Midwifery
Beth Oster

My story of becoming a midwife began in 2006 when my very first child was welcomed into the world by the loving hands of a midwife right here in Traverse City, Michigan! Growing up I had been introduced to homebirth as a normal event and never considered a different place to have my babies. As our family grew I learned more and more about childbirth and midwifery care and even endured living and birthing in a state where birthing options, especially homebirth, were very limited and challenging. It was then that I became passionate about homebirth accessibility and midwives for others, not just for myself. I got involved with the homebirth movement in the state, attended legislative sessions, educated representatives, and increased my knowledge about midwifery along the way.
In 2010 I attended my first birth as a student and officially began my midwifery education. In the spring of 2013 my apprenticeship through the NARM (North American Registry of Midwives) PEP process started as I worked under Amber Walla, CPM of Sacred Song Homebirth (located in the Kansas City metro). During my clinical training I attended 75 births, satisfied all requirements from NARM, and also had my sixth baby (at home!). I had the privilege of working alongside multiple midwives and becoming part of a large active group of birth workers in the area. In March of 2015 I passed the NARM exam earning my CPM credential. I was then blessed to work alongside Amber in a busy homebirth practice as a partner midwife for the next three years. Together we served hundreds of women across the KC Metro, catching babies in both Kansas and Missouri. As a primary midwife I have attended over 300 births in the out-of-hospital setting.
In 2018 my family returned home to Michigan and I started my own practice, This Moment Midwifery. With licensure for Michigan midwives becoming law for the practice of midwifery, I attained the NARM Bridge Certificate and additional educational requirements for state licensure and then became a licensed midwife in August of 2019 when the first midwifery licenses were issued.
I am certified and remain current in adult/pediatric CPR and neonatal resuscitation. Continual participation in up-to-date trainings and CEU’s (Continuing Education Unit) is also required for licensure and CPM certification. I am an active participant in the local and state midwifery organizations and attend regular peer reviews. Additionally, I am certified to practice as a registered preceptor with NARM and am authorized to train, teach and oversee student midwives.
I am excited to continue serving moms and babies in beautiful Northern Michigan! As a midwife, I am honored to participate in returning the process of natural childbirth to women and nurturing a beautiful event in their lives where they should feel encouraged and strengthened by those serving them. I provide holistic prenatal, homebirth, and postpartum care, with a focus on nutrition, education, and informed decision making.
I am supported by my amazing husband of 16 years and our eight (homebirthed) kiddos who help me keep it all together. My days are blessed and kept busy with homeschooling, homemaking and chasing (as well as catching) babies!